Do you have Hail Damage to your A/C Unit?

Homeowners who were battered by the severe storms which moved through our area in recent months should be concerned about possible damage to their A/C unit.
Units that have been severely damaged by hail may fail to work entirely. Those which suffered less damage may continue to operate, but won’t do so properly or efficiently.
Homeowners should inspect the outdoor portion of their cooling system after any severe storm. Damage to the equipment will usually be obvious; if you’re unsure, don’t hesitate to call-in a professional for an inspection.
The outdoor unit includes a condenser coil; this coil is made of fine aluminum fins designed to efficiently move air for heat transfer.  If the outdoor unit is pounded by hail, the fins may become bent, reducing the efficiency and capacity of the entire A/C system.  Even slight damage, with as little as ten percent of the fins affected, will negatively impact the system.
A homeowner has options if the fins are damaged.  If the unit is relatively new, and the damage is minimal, the technician may suggest a process by which a combing device is used to straighten the bent fins. If the damage is more extensive, replacing the condenser coil may be a better option.
In some cases, replacing the entire system is the most sensible choice. The efficiency as well as the age, condition and warranty coverage of the system are factors which will contribute to this decision.  A trained technician can give homeowners all the needed information to make the best choice for their needs and budget.
Call us to schedule a professional evaluation of the damage; then you will be able to talk with your insurance agent armed with the details you need to receive a fair insurance settlement.
To schedule a damage inspection of your air conditioner, or a consultation about your cooling needs, call Precision Air & Plumbing today.
And remember to inspect your AC for damage after any storm, as well as several times during the year, because damaged equipment costs you money!

Precision January 8, 2016

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